is becoming less and less publicly acceptable.
I have severe smoke allergies and asthma so when I am behind a smoker on
the street I usually stop and wait for about a minute until they are far enough
away from me before I continue walking. The
number of times having to do this lately though has become less and less. Another
sign of the changing times is that smokers that stand right in front of
entrances forcing nonsmokers to walk through a cloud of smoke to get inside are
now considered a nuisance and are given dirty looks. The number of smokers has gown down in the
last 10 years reports Gallup. Currently
there is roughly 1 smoker in every 5 Americans.
to the CDC the number of pregnant women who smoke during pregnancy has also
gone down. So how many women smoke
during pregnancy? From the Center for Disease Control, approximately 10% of women reported smoking during the last 3
months of pregnancy. Of women who smoked 3 months before pregnancy, 55% quit
during pregnancy. Among women who quit smoking during pregnancy, 40% relapsed
within 6 months after delivery.
is good news but what about the women who relapsed or didn’t attempt to quit at
all? The 4000+ ingredients in cigarettes
has been known to decrease fertility, increase risk of stillbirth or
miscarriage, low birth weight, increase risk
of breathing problems for your child, placental abruption, and even birth
defects. Below is a diagram that shows just a few of the ingredients that are
inside that cigarette.
Smoking while pregnant can affect the heart, brain, and muscular systems of your baby.
Weight and Size
Smoking a half of a pack can lower your baby's birth weight up to half a pound. Smoking a full pack can lower it down one pound or more. For a baby that is a lot of weight.
Children of smokers can have lower IQs, learning disabilities, and even behavioral problems.
Babies whose mother smoked in the first trimester of pregnancy are more likely to have a heart defect than mothers who didn't smoke.
Body and Lungs
Along with lower birth weights, many children who have smoking mothers can develop asthma and other breathing problems which can affect them their entire life.
In the British TV Show, "Misbehaving Mums to Be" which follows three young girls per episode that are either over eaters, binge drinkers, or chain smokers. In one episode Chelsy smokes 20 cigarettes a day and assumes since her first pregnancy was ok, the second one will be as well. You can watch the episode below.
If you need help to quit call 1-800-QUIT-NOW.
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