Nicole H.
there you are, trying every position in the book, reading up on old wives'
tales about how to get pregnant, tracking your cycle like a bloodhound on the
hunt, and then you find yourself having nightmares of screaming babies. Suddenly,
the idea of getting pregnant scares you to death. You've developed some sort of
superpower that detects the sound of a baby's cry and a child's whiney voice
from miles away. Panic has set in.
feel like a traitor. You and your partner discussed this. You both decided you
were ready to get pregnant, but now you're having second thoughts. Are these
feelings just cold feet or are they something you should take seriously? Before
you put the kibosh on baby-making, try these first.
Don't Ignore Your Feelings
worst thing you can do is try to pretend that you're all right with everything.
If you do that, you might make it worse, undermine your relationship with your
partner, and actually make a very normal feeling into something much bigger. Take
a deep breath, acknowledge that you are having doubts, and deal with them.
Communicate with Your
conception is a team effort, you need to tell your partner how you feel. One
seed of doubt can destroy a relationship. It can lead to you avoiding intimacy
and leave your partner feeling confused, hurt, and alone.
“Be open and honest.”
best thing you can do is to be open and honest with your partner. Share your
doubts and fears with them. They may be able to alleviate those fears and put
you right back into the game, or they may share similar fears they've been
having. It's OK to take a minute to regroup and reassess your feelings on pregnancy
and having a baby.
Talk with Trusted Friends Who
Have Kids
better to go to about second thoughts on baby-making than someone who already
has kids? Find a friend that you know
will be honest, preferably one with older kids, get them alone, and pick their
brain. They can share with you the gritty details – good and bad – of pregnancy
and parenthood. And if you really want to see your girlfriend glow, ask her how
she felt the first time she heard "I love you, Mommy."
Talk to Your Parents or a
Close Relative with Kids that You Trust
if you don't have a friend with kids?
Maybe you’re the first in your group to be going on this journey. Try
one of your parents, a close aunt, or a cousin. The view may be a bit biased,
especially if your mom is known to gush about what a darling little angel you
were as a child, but they still have a wealth of knowledge to share. They can
tell you how they dealt with their own fears and handled parenting challenges.
most important thing to remember when you're trying to have a baby is that every parent becomes a parent for the first
time. Everyone has had fears about it on some level. Take ownership of your
fears, talk them out with your partner, and get some advice from those who have
already gone down that path. Try to remember what started you down this road in
the first place, and trust that with a little discussion, you can right your
compass again. In the end, you'll feel more comfortable with your decision, and
your relationship with your partner will be better off because of it.
Did you have second thoughts tying to get pregnant? How did you cope?

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