All pregnancy tests work by
detecting a certain hormone in the urine or blood that is only there when a
woman is pregnant. This hormone is called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
(HCG). It is also called the pregnancy hormone. hCG
is made when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus. This usually happens about six days after the egg
and sperm merge. But studies show that in up to 10 percent of women,
implantation does not occur until much later, after the first day of the missed
period. The amount of hCG rapidly builds up in your body with each passing day
you are pregnant.
SurePredict tests work by testing for Human
Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). HCG is a hormone produced by a
trophoblastic tissue and it appears around the 8th to 9th day
after ovulation. In a 28 day cycle with
ovulation occurring at day 14, HCG can be detected in urine
or serum in minute quantities around day 23, or 5 days
before the expected menstruation. The hormone concentration
doubles approximately every 2 days and peaks 7-12 weeks after
first day of the last menstrual period. IN normal subjects, HCG
is urine provides an early indication of pregnancy. The elevated HCG
levels are also associated with trophblastic diseases and certain
nontrophoblastic neoplasms. This, the possibility of other
diseases must be eliminated before the diagnosis of pregnancy can be
The detection limit for the HCG test
kits is 10 mIU/ml HCG. Urine samples equal to or greater than 10
mIU/ml will be tested positive. Samples containing less than 10
mIU/ml HCG may also produce a very faint positive line.
You can read and download the instructions
that come with our SurePredict pregnancy and ovulation tests here on
our website.
This definition was provided from Women's

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