Saturday, December 27, 2014

Bi-Weekly Bump- Week of December 26th

The Chicago School District is in big trouble after alleged pregnancy discrimination

Find out which celebrities are pregnant and expecting in 2015

What would you do if a waitress refused to serve you because you were breastfeeding?

Must read for anyone who plans on having some spiked eggnog this year while breastfeeding

The Irish Government is looking at a young woman’s case who is brain dead and is being kept alive for the sake of her unborn child while the family wants to pull the plug

Kristen Bell gives birth to second child and you will never guess what they named their baby

And you thought breastfeeding was hard, this one mom did it for 3 years with triplets!

Apparently America helped get an imprisoned Cuban spy’s wife pregnant
Look at these celebrities are their bumps during pregnancy

Read our best 3 things to do before you try to get pregnant 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Gift Giving Guide- The "Difficult" Person

If you want to DIY:

Olive Oil Infused with Rosemary and Lemon – because who doesn’t love olive oil, you could even throw in a fresh loaf of bread if you have the time

Pineapple Cutting Board – perfect for all the hosting people do this time of year

An Ornament (made out of corks, clay, or fabric)  – perfect gift if you have kids that want to help with the gift giving

If you want to PURCHASE:

Cards – You can buy a nice set of homemade cards from craft fairs and online shops like Etsy. They are all homemade with love and the receiver can use them throughout the entire year

Kitchen Gadgets – You can get them the newest kitchen gadget, a pump for your lemon juice, maybe a spoonula. Wrap it up with a cookbook and the gift is good to go.

Donation to their favorite charity in their name – This is perfect for anyone who says they don’t want/ need anything and they truly mean it 

What do you give to someone who has everything already? 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Gift Giving Guide- The Husband

If you want to DIY:

Bailey’s Hot Cocoa – Easy peasy treat to make and perfect for someone who wants a more low key holiday

Photo Album – What could be more romantic than a cute photo album of the two of you (want bonus points- make it up themed

Fortune Cookies – because sometimes you need to write your own fortunes in life 

If you want to PURCHASE:

Watch – Perfect gift to get this time of the year with all the sales

Grill – Summer will be here soon enough (6 months for some of us though) but you can still get him a summer grill.  He might just use it now if you aren’t too buried in snow already

Set of Beer Mugs – Check out your local breweries for custom beer mugs and get him some craft beers while you are at it

What are you getting your DH this year? 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Gift Giving Guide- The Hostess

If you want to DIY:

Homemade Vanilla – Making your own vanilla is so much cheaper than buying it at the store and anyone who bakes will appreciate this gift

Wreath – Anyone would love to put a fresh wreath on their front door

Etched Glass Casserole Pan – Perfect for the hostess who always is cooking and baking for other people

If you want to PURCHASE:

Wine Holder with four glasses and a nice bottle of wine –   We love this one from Etsy

Book – Get any book that you think might suit the person. You could try cookbooks, joke books, autobiographies, or just anything that seems interesting while browsing Amazon

Kitchen Mugs  – Get a nice set of mugs to match their décor and add in some gourmet coffee to make a wonderful hostess/host gift 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Bump on a Budget- Month of December

Signing up for email lists can be great; you can get coupons, free samples, and lots of valuable information.  However if you sign up for too many emails you run the risk of getting your information sold to other companies and then the 5 emails you signed up for daily become 50 or 100 emails.
Before even getting pregnant consider creating a separate baby coupon email using Yahoo or Gmail.  If you get too many emails you can simply just ignore them or close the account when baby comes.  You also don’t have to worry about your personal account getting flooded with emails that you didn’t ask for and don’t want.

Coupons & Sales
SurePredict - 15% our 50 Pregnancy Tests Combo Pack with the code ‘Z3SDGT8V’.  Ends 12/31/2014
Amazon Mom - 20% off diapers if you join a free trail of Amazon Mom
Fisher Price - Free Rainforest Bundle. Details Apply
ViaCord - Enter to win free diapers for a year
Gerber – Free 15 minute phone call with a lactation consultant

Other Money Saving Tips
Say ‘Yes’ To Baby Showers – If your office, your sister, and your mother in law all want to throw you separate showers, let them.  Not only are showers fun, but you can get gifts that will save you money later on.

Shop Secondhand – You can grow out of your maternity clothes quickly so instead of buying a whole new maternity wardrobe, buy a few key pieces from secondhand shops.  Also invest in Belly Bands. For newborns, they grow out of their sizes quick so stock up clothes in a variety of sizes.  Try garage sales (sometimes they sell new clothes or very gently used that the baby only wore a few times), flea markets, and the clearance rack during your pregnancy. Ask your doctor to help guesstimate baby’s size.

Get samples from your OB/GYN – Ask for samples of formula, diapers, and other baby items.  Even a little bit will help you. 

Start clipping coupons – As soon as you find out you are expecting, start clipping coupons for diapers, formula, and wipes.  Stocking up with just a few every month will help you when baby comes and you go through a pack of wipes in one week. 

Avoid buying everything – You don’t need to buy everything for your child right away when you are still pregnant.  Make a budget and try to stick to it the best you can. 

Borrow from friends and family – If you have friends that are pregnant or were pregnant, see if you can borrow maternity clothes from them.  Same goes with baby goods.  Hand-me-downs can go through many children before being worn out since most clothes only get worn a few weeks to a month before being outgrown. 

Learn to love freezer meals – Start making freezer meals during your third trimester (or before if you are too tired to cook while pregnant) and then just pull them out and heat them in the oven when dinner time comes.  This will be healthier and save you tons of money on takeout when your little baby arrives. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The 3 Best Things I Did Before Trying To Get Pregnant

By Nicole H.

Planning to get pregnant can be very empowering. In a world where so many of us unintentionally get pregnant, there is something to be said about being able to plan this one (or several) event whose repercussions literally last a lifetime.

It's not a luxury that everyone has, but those of us who do have it, have the benefit of laying the foundation of our child's development from as early as the first idea of them.  For women with that advanced notice, I offer you the benefit of my experience – the 3 best things I did before trying to get pregnant.

1.     I talked to my obstetrician/gynecologist.

One thing that may shock you about this conversation with the OB is that laying the groundwork for baby-making can take a few months.  When I walked into the OB's office and announced my intentions to get pregnant and asked what I needed to do, I was shocked to hear that I should be on prenatal vitamins for several months in advance.  What?! I wanted to get pregnant NOW. I'm not going to say whether I listened or not, but that's just one of the many reasons to check in with the doctor before you start on your merry procreating way.

Some other reasons include:
·       Making sure your hormone levels are good.
·       Making sure you're healthy.
·       Testing for risk factors of certain diseases like Tay-Sachs.
·       Checking your iron.
·       Learning your blood type (if you didn't already know).  

Nobody likes surprises, and should something come up while pregnant, it's good to have a baseline for your health pre-pregnant.

2.     I checked out the policies for pregnancy and maternity leave where I worked.

This is one of those things you may think you have down, but you might not.  Look into what kind of maternity leave, if any, there is at your office.  Familiarize yourself with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Also, look into any added benefits your office may offer such as a cafeteria plan to help you with additional expenses like daycare and other medical bills.

A word of caution, however, the workplace isn't always the friendliest place when it comes to women planning to become pregnant. For the higher ups, it means they now have the added stress of doing without you for a period of time or maybe forever.  Only you know your office climate, so just keep it in mind when you start perusing through the handbook and potentially asking questions.

3.     I did the cold, hard math.

Having a child is expensive.  And while you may have heard that money shouldn't make a difference, that you'll "make it work" regardless, that just isn't good enough for some of us.  Make sure you do the salary to expenses math. Don't forget to factor in how much it will cost to add a child to your medical, dental and/or vision insurance.  Try not to get too upset if you come up short.  All that means is that you'll have to get more creative to get the needs of your family met.  And you can.  It doesn't mean you have to give up on your dream.  

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