up for email lists can be great; you can get coupons, free samples, and lots of
valuable information. However if you
sign up for too many emails you run the risk of getting your information sold
to other companies and then the 5 emails you signed up for daily become 50 or
100 emails. Before even getting pregnant consider creating a separate baby
coupon email using Yahoo or Gmail. If
you get too many emails you can simply just ignore them or close the account
when baby comes. You also don’t have to
worry about your personal account getting flooded with emails that you didn’t
ask for and don’t want.
… First time email subscribers get a 20% off one item in-store Savings
AmazonMom… If you have an Amazon Prime account join Amazon Mom for discounts on baby
Free samples of formula and coupons when you sign up for Enfamil’s website
SeventhGeneration… sign up for their email list and receive coupons for cleaning
supplies as well as diapers!
Start Healthy Stay Healthy Program offers free 15-minute phone consultations
with one of their board certified lactation consultants. Just click here to make an appointment and
choose "Breastfeeding Education".
Earth’sBest… has a separate promotions and offers tab on their website so check that

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